Talk:Moro 9:1-6

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I removed the following question that several people had edited:

  • These people were so wicked that they lost the spirit. Is it possible to be so wicked that you lose the Light of Christ?

I removed it because I think it is based on an understanding of this scripture that isn't quite right. In verse 9 Mormon says:

I fear lest the Spirit of the Lord hath ceased striving with them

From this quote it is clear that Mormon was not saying that they didn't have the Spirit--only that he feared they didn't. That suggest to me that this question doesn't really belong here.

Regardless of where the question belongs though, I will make an attempt to answer it. The "light of Christ" is not one thing--like say a ring that one can loose or get back. The light of Christ is often defined as Christ's influence. As such it is manifest in many ways. I think we have to think about manifestations of his influence to think about whether we can loose that manifestation. For some, the answer is yes; others, no. For example, whenever we reject Christ's atonement we fail to be influenced by Christ in a way we could be: through forgiveness of our sins. But in other ways we cannot fail to be influenced by Christ. It was through his influence that all things were created. In that way all things that are alive are influenced by Christ's light. See D&C 88:13.

--Matthew Faulconer 05:02, 11 Dec 2005 (UTC)