Site:SS lessons
This page lists resources available for Sunday School Gospel Doctrine lessons. It specifically focuses on things available on this wiki and on the Feast blog. All are free to post additional relevant links here.
Also check out Kurt's comprehensive index of online gospel doctrine resources on LDSGospelDoctrine.
- Jump to New Testament lessons
- Jump to Book of Mormon lessons
- Jump to Doctrine and Covenant lessons
- Jump to Old Testament lessons
New Testament lessons links
- Come Follow Me New Testament manual and materials
- Class Member Study Guide
- Teacher's Manual.
- Old version of class member study guide (This has the advantage over the new one in that it shows the reading assignments for each lesson.)
Lesson 1: “That Ye Might Believe That Jesus Is the Christ”
- Reading: Isaiah 61:1–3; Joseph Smith Translation, Luke 3:4–11; John 1:1–14; John 20:31
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 1 - Jan 2011
- Jim F notes for Lesson 1 - Jan 2011
- Kevin Barney New Testament Intro - Jan 2011
- Karl D notes for Lesson 1 - Jan 2011
Lesson 2: “My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord”
- Reading: Luke 1; Matthew 1
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 2 - Jan 2011
- Jim F notes for Lesson 2 - Jan 2011
- Karl D notes for Lesson 2 - Jan 2011
Lesson 3: “Unto You Is Born … a Saviour”
- Reading: Luke 2; Matthew 2
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 3 - Jan 2011
- Jim F notes for Lesson 3 - Jan 2011
- Karl D notes for Lesson 3 - Jan 2011
Lesson 4: “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord”
- Reading: Matthew 3–4; John 1:35–51
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 4 - Jan 2011
- Jim F notes for Lesson 4 - Jan 2011
- Karl D notes for Lesson 4 - Jan 2011
Lesson 5: “Born Again”
- Reading: John 3–4
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 5 - Jan 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 5 - Jan 2011
- Karl D notes for Lesson 5 - Jan 2011
Lesson 6: “They Straightway Left Their Nets”
- Reading: Luke 4:14–32; Luke 5; Luke 6:12–16; Matthew 10
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 6 - February 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 6 - February 2011
- Karl D notes for Lesson 6 - February 2011
Lesson 7: “[He] Took Our Infirmities, and Bare Our Sicknesses”
- Reading: Mark 1–2; Mark 4:35–41; Mark 5; Luke 7:11–17
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Jim F notes for Lesson 7 - February 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 7 - February 2011
Lesson 8: The Sermon on the Mount: “A More Excellent Way”
- Reading: Matthew 5
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 8 - February 2011
Lesson 9: “Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God”
- Reading: Matthew 6–7
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 9 - February 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 9 - February 2011
Lesson 10: “Take My Yoke upon You, and Learn of Me”
- Reading: Matthew 11:28–30; Matthew 12:1–13; Luke 7:36–50; Luke 13:10–17
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 10 - February 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 10 - March 2011
Lesson 11: “He Spake Many Things unto Them in Parables”
- Reading: Matthew 13
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 11 - February 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 11 - February 2011
Lesson 12: “I Am the Bread of Life”
- Reading: John 5–6; Mark 6:30–44; Matthew 14:22–33
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 12 - March 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 12 - March 2011
Lesson 13: “I Will Give unto Thee the Keys of the Kingdom”
- Reading: Matthew 15:21–17:9
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 13 - March 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 13 - March 2011
Lesson 14: “Who Is My Neighbour?”
- Reading: Matthew 18; Luke 10
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 14 - March 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 14 - March 2011
Lesson 15: “I Am the Light of the World”
- Reading: John 7–8
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Jim F notes for Lesson 15 - April 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 15 - April 2011
Lesson 16: “I Was Blind, Now I See”
- Reading: John 9–10
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 16 - April 2011
- Jim F notes for Lesson 16 - April 2011
Lesson 17: “What Shall I Do That I May Inherit Eternal Life?”
- Reading: Mark 10:17–30; Mark 12:41–44; Luke 12:13–21; Luke 14; Luke 16
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F notes for Lesson 17 - April 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 17 - April 2011
Lesson 18: “He Was Lost, and Is Found”
- Reading: Luke 15; Luke 17
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 18 - May 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 18 - May 2011
Lesson 19: “Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee”
- Reading: Luke 18:1–8, Luke 18:35–43; Luke 19:1–10; John 11
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 19 - May 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 19 - May 2011
Lesson 20: “Woe unto You, … Hypocrites”
- Reading: Matthew 21–23; John 12:1–8
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 20 - May 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 20 - May 2011
Lesson 21: “What Is the Sign of Thy Coming?”
- Reading: Joseph Smith—Matthew [Matthew 24]
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 21 - May 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 21 - May 2011
Lesson 22: “Inherit the Kingdom Prepared for You”
- Reading: Matthew 25
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 22 - May 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 22 - May 2011
Lesson 23: “Love One Another, As I Have Loved You”
- Reading: Luke 22:1–38; John 13–15
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 23 - June 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 23 - May 2011
Lesson 24: “This Is Life Eternal”
- Reading: John 16–17
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 24 - June 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 24 - June 2011
Lesson 25: “Not My Will, But Thine, Be Done”
- Reading: Matthew 26:36–46; Mark 14:32–42; Luke 22:39–46
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 25 - June 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 25 - June 2011
Lesson 26: “To This End Was I Born”
- Reading: Matthew 26:47–27:66; Mark 14:43–15:39; Luke 22:47–23:56; John 18–19
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 26 - June 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 26 - July 2011
Lesson 27: “He Is Not Here, for He Is Risen”
- Reading: Matthew 28; Luke 24; John 20–21
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 27 - June 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 27 - July 2011
Lesson 28: “We Are Witnesses”
- Reading: Acts 1–5
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 28 - July 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 28 - July 2011
Lesson 29: “The Number of the Disciples Was Multiplied”
- Reading: Acts 6–9
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 29 - July 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 29 - July 2011
Lesson 30: “God Is No Respecter of Persons”
- Reading: Acts 10–14; Acts 15:1–35
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 30 - July 2011
- Jim F's for Lesson 30 - July 2011
Lesson 31: “And So Were the Churches Established in the Faith”
- Reading: Acts 15:36–18:22; 1 Thessalonians and 2 Thessalonians
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 31 - July 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 31 - July 2011
Lesson 32: “Live in the Spirit”
- Reading: Acts 18:23–20:38; Galatians
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 32 - August 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 32 - August 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 32 - August 2011
Lesson 33: “Ye Are the Temple of God”
- Reading: 1 Corinthians 1–6
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 33 - August 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 33 - August 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 33 - August 2011
Lesson 34: “Keep the Ordinances, As I Delivered Them”
- Reading: 1 Corinthians 11–16
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 34 - August 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 34 - August 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 34 - August 2011
Lesson 35: “Be Ye Reconciled to God”
- Reading: 2 Corinthians
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 35 - August 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 35 - August 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 35 - August 2011
Lesson 36: “Beloved of God, Called to Be Saints”
- Reading: Romans
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 36 - August 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 36 - September 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 36 - September 2011
Lesson 37: Jesus Christ: “The Author and Finisher of Our Faith”
- Reading: Hebrews
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 37 - August 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 37 - September 2011
- Karl D's notes for lesson 37 - September 2011
Lesson 38: “Thou Hast Testified of Me”
- Reading: Acts 21–28
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 38 - September 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 38 - September 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 38 - October 2011
- BrianJ's Lesson 38 November 2007
Lesson 39: “For the Perfecting of the Saints”
- Reading: Ephesians
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 39 - September 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 39 - October 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 39 - October 2011
Lesson 40: “I Can Do All Things through Christ”
- Reading: Philippians; Colossians; Philemon
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 40 - September 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 40 - October 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 40 - October 2011
Lesson 41: “I Have Finished My Course”
- Reading: 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy; Titus
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 41 - October 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 41 - October 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 41 - October 2011
Lesson 42: “Pure Religion”
- Reading: James
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 42 - October 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 42 - November 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 42 - November 2011
Lesson 43: “A Chosen Generation”
- Reading: 1 Peter and 2 Peter; Jude
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 43 1-2 Peter- October 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 43 Jude- November 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 43 - November 2011
- Karl D's notes for Lesson 43 - November 2011
Lesson 44: “God Is Love”
- Reading: 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 44 - November 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 44 - November 2011
Lesson 45: “He That Overcometh Shall Inherit All Things”
- Reading: Revelation 1–3; Revelation 12
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 45 - November 2011
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 45 - November 2011
Lesson 46: “He Will Dwell with Them, and They Shall Be His People”
- Reading: Revelation 5–6; Revelation 19–22
- Church publications: Class Member, Teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes for Lesson 46 - November 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 46 - November 2011
Doctrine and Covenants lessons
Preliminaries and resources for the D&C
- BYU Studies articles linked to lesson title
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Doctrine and Covenants and Church History
Church publications: student, teacher
- See Cheryl's post at the Feast blog here (Jan 4, 2009)
- See Joe's post at the Feast blog here (Dec 19, 2008)
- Joel's Monastery Lesson One (Jan 2013)
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
Lesson 2: “Behold, I Am Jesus Christ, the Savior of the World”
Church publications: student, teacher
- See Cheryl's post at the Feast blog here (Jan 2009)
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Two (Jan 2013)
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
Lesson 3: “I Had Seen a Vision”
Church publications: student, teacher
- See Cheryl's post at the Feast blog here and part 2 and part 3 (Jan 2009).
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Three (Jan 2013)
Lesson 4: “Remember the New Covenant, Even the Book of Mormon”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Four (Feb 2013)
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
Lesson 5: “This Is the Spirit of Revelation”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Cheryl's lesson material on the blog here (Jan 2009)
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Five (Feb 2013)
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
Lesson 6: “I Will Tell You in Your Mind and in Your Heart, by the Holy Ghost”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Cheryl's lesson material on the blog
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Six (Feb 2013)
Lesson 7: “The First Principles and Ordinances of the Gospel”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Cherylem's combined lesson notes for lesson 7 & 8 on the Feast blog.
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Seven (Feb 2013)
Lesson 8: The Restoration of the Priesthood
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Cherylem's combined lesson notes for lesson 7 & 8 on the Feast blog.
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Eight (Feb 2013)
Lesson 9: “The Only True and Living Church”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Lessons 9 and 10, part 1 by Cheryl at the Feast blog (from Mack Sterling's notes on D&C 20 and 21)
- Lessons 9 & 10, part 2, history by Cheryl at the Feast blog
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Nine (Mar 2013)
Lesson 10: “This Is My Voice unto All”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Lesson 10: "Lay Aside the Things of the World" (D&C 25:10) by Robert C. at the Feast blog
- Lesson 10 by Jim F. at Times and Seasons
- Lessons 9 and 10, part 1 by Cheryl at the Feast blog (from Mack Sterling's notes on D&C 20 and 21)
- Lessons 9 & 10, part 2, history by Cheryl at the Feast blog
- Lesson 10: Virtue (D&C 25:10) by BrianJ at Feast Blog
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Ten (Mar 2013)
Lesson 11: “The Field Is White Already to Harvest”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Joe Spencer's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F.'s notes at the T&S blog
- Joel's Monastery Lesson Eleven (Mar 2013)
Lesson 12: “The Gathering of My People”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Jim F.'s notes at the T&S blog
Lesson 13: “This Generation Shall Have My Word through You”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Lesson notes by Robert C. at the Feast blog are here
- Jim F.'s notes at the T&S blog are here
Lesson 14: The Law of Consecration
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Jim F.'s notes at the T&S blog
Lesson 15: “Seek Ye Earnestly the Best Gifts”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Jim F.'s lesson notes
- Joe's notes at the Feast blog
Lesson 16: “Thou Shalt … Offer Up Thy Sacraments upon My Holy Day”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 17: The Law of Tithing and the Law of the Fast
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 18: “Establish … a House of God”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 19: The Plan of Salvation
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 20: The Kingdoms of Glory
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 21: “Looking Forth for the Great Day of the Lord to Come”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page (discussion)
- Joel's Monastery Lesson 21 (May 2013)
Lesson 22: The Word of Wisdom: “A Principle with Promise”
Church publications: student, teacher
Joel's Monastery Lesson 22 (July 2013)
Lesson 23: “Seek Learning, Even by Study and Also by Faith”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 24: “Be Not Deceived, but Continue in Steadfastness”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 25: Priesthood: “The Power of Godliness”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 26: “Go Ye into All the World, and Preach My Gospel”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 27: “They Must Needs Be Chastened and Tried, Even as Abraham”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 28: “O God, Where Art Thou?”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 29: Building the Kingdom of God in Nauvoo, Illinois
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 30: “The Prisoners Shall Go Free”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 31: “Sealed … for Time and for All Eternity”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 32: “To Seal the Testimony”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 33: President Brigham Young Leads the Saints
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 34: Faith in Every Footstep
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 35: “A Mission of Saving”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 36: “The Desert Shall Rejoice, and Blossom as the Rose”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 37: “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 38: “In Mine Own Way”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 39: “The Hearts of the Children Shall Turn to Their Fathers”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 40: Finding Joy in Temple and Family History Work
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 41: “Every Member a Missionary”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 42: Continuing Revelation to Latter-day Prophets
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 43: “Take upon You My Whole Armor”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 44: Being Good Citizens
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 45: “The Family Is Ordained of God”
Church publications: student, teacher
Lesson 46: “Zion—The Pure in Heart”
Church publications: student, teacher
Book of Mormon lessons links
- Class Member Study Guide
- Teacher's Manual.
- Old version of class member study guide (This has the advantage of giving the readings on the table of contents page.)
Lesson 1: “The Keystone of Our Religion”
Church publications: student, teacher
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 1 - Dec 2011
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 1 part two - Dec 2011
- Joe Spencer notes for Lesson 1 - Dec 2011
- Julie M. Smith notes for Lessons 1 - Dec 2011
Lesson 2: “All Things According to His Will”
Reading: 1 Nephi 1–7, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- James Faulconer's lesson notes on Times and Seasons, and reposted w/ comments on the Feast Blog
- Cherylem's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- Matthew's highlights from the wiki on the Feast blog
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 2 - Jan 2012
- Joe Spencer notes for lesson 2 - Jan 2012
- Julie M. Smith notes for Lesson 2 - Jan 2012
Lesson 3: The Vision of the Tree of Life
Reading: 1 Nephi 8–11; 1 Nephi 12:16–18; 1 Nephi 15, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- James Faulconer's Sunday School Notes on Times and Seasons
- brianj's lesson notes highlighting different resources available on the web posted on the Feast blog
- cherylem's lesson notes posted on the Feast blog.
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 3 - Jan 2012
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Julie Smith's notes at T&S
Lesson 4: “The Things Which I Saw While I Was Carried Away in the Spirit”
Reading: 1 Nephi 12–14, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- James Faulconer's Sunday School Notes on Times and Seasons
- RobertC's notes posted on the Feast blog
- cherylem's notes on the Feast blog
- nhilton's notes on the Feast blog
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 4 - Jan 2012
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Julie Smith's notes at T&S
Lesson 5: “Hearken to the Truth, and Give Heed unto It”
Reading: 1 Nephi 16–22, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- robf's post: Nephi Slays Beasts on the Mount on the Feast blog
- cherylem's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- nhilton's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- Matthew's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 5 - Jan 2012
Lesson 6: “Free to Choose Liberty and Eternal Life”
Reading: 2 Nephi 1–2, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- cherylem's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- nhilton's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- brianj's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 6 - Jan 2012
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
Lesson 7: “I Know in Whom I Have Trusted”
Reading: 2 Nephi 3–5, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- nhilton's lesson notes on the Feast blog
- cherylem's notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 7 - Feb 2012
- Julie M Smith's notes for Lesson 7 - Feb 2012
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
Lesson 8: “O How Great the Goodness of Our God”
Reading: 2 Nephi 6–10, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- joespencer's notes on the Feast blog
- nhilton's notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 8 - Feb 2012
- Julie M Smith at T&S notes for Lesson 8 - Feb 2012
Lesson 9: “My Soul Delighteth in the Words of Isaiah”
Reading: 2 Nephi 11–25, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Robert C's notes on the Feast blog
- Cherylem's notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 9 - Feb 2012
Lesson 10: “He Inviteth All to Come unto Him”
Reading: 2 Nephi 26–30, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- RobertC's notes on the Feast blog
- Cherylem's notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 10 - Feb 2012
Lesson 11: “Press Forward with a Steadfastness in Christ”
Reading: 2 Nephi 31–33, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 11 - Mar 2012
Lesson 12: “Seek Ye for the Kingdom of God”
Reading: Jacob 1–4, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- BrianJ's notes on the Feast blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 12 - Mar 2012
Lesson 13: The Allegory of the Olive Trees
Reading: Jacob 5–7, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Jenny W.'s notes at the Feast blog
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 13 - Mar 2012
Lesson 14: “For a Wise Purpose”
Reading: Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Julie M Smith's notes on Times and Seasons
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- robf's notes at the Feast blog
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 14 - Mar 2012
Lesson 15: “Eternally Indebted to Your Heavenly Father”
Reading: Mosiah 1–3, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Robert C.'s notes at the Feast blog
- robf's notes on the Feast blog.
- Other lesson links from
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 15 - Apr 2012
Lesson 16: “Ye Shall Be Called the Children of Christ”
Reading: Mosiah 4–6, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast Upon the Word Blog
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 16 - Apr 2012
Lesson 17: “A Seer … Becometh a Great Benefit to His Fellow Beings”
Reading: Mosiah 7–11, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 17 - Apr 2012
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
Lesson 18: “God Himself … Shall Redeem His People”
Reading: Mosiah 12–17, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 18 - Apr 2012
- Joe Spencer's notes at Feast (2012)
Lesson 19: “None Could Deliver Them but the Lord”
Reading: Mosiah 18–24, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 19 - May 2012
Lesson 20: “My Soul Is Pained No More”
Reading: Mosiah 25–28; Alma 36, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 20 - May 2012
Lesson 21: “Alma … Did Judge Righteous Judgments”
Reading: Mosiah 29; Alma 1–4, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 21 - May 2012
Lesson 22: “Have Ye Received His Image in Your Countenances?”
Reading: Alma 5–7, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 22 - May 2012
Lesson 23: “More Than One Witness”
Reading: Alma 8–12, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- BrianJ's notes on the Feast Blog, focusing on Alma 9:5-6
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 23 - June 2012
Lesson 24: “Give Us Strength According to Our Faith … in Christ”
Reading: Alma 13–16, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 24 - June 2012
Lesson 25: “They Taught with Power and Authority of God”
Reading: Alma 17–22, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 25 - June 2012
Lesson 26: “Converted unto the Lord”
Reading: Alma 23–29, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 26 - June 2012
Lesson 27: “All Things Denote There Is a God”
Reading: Alma 30–31, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 27 - June 2012
Lesson 28: “The Word Is in Christ unto Salvation”
Reading: Alma 32–35, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 28 - July 2012
Lesson 29: “Give Ear to My Words”
Reading: Alma 36–39, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 29 - July 2012
Lesson 30: “The Great Plan of Happiness”
Reading: Alma 40–42, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 30 - July 2012
Lesson 31: “Firm in the Faith of Christ”
Reading: Alma 43–52, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 31 - July 2012
Lesson 32: “They Did Obey … Every Word of Command with Exactness”
Reading: Alma 53–63, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 32 - August 2012
Lesson 33: “A Sure Foundation”
Reading: Helaman 1–5, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 33 - August 2012
Lesson 34: “How Could You Have Forgotten Your God?”
Reading: Helaman 6–12, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 34 - August 2012
Lesson 35: “Repent and Return unto the Lord”
Reading: Helaman 13–16, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 35 - August 2012
Lesson 36: “On the Morrow Come I into the World”
Reading: 3 Nephi 1–7, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 36 - August 2012
Lesson 37: “Whosoever Will Come, Him Will I Receive”
Reading: 3 Nephi 8–11, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 37 - September 2012
Lesson 38: “Old Things Are Done Away, and All Things Have Become New”
Reading: 3 Nephi 12–15, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 38 - September 2012
Lesson 39: “Behold, My Joy Is Full”
Reading: 3 Nephi 17–19, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 39 - September 2012
Lesson 40: “Then Will I Gather Them In”
Reading: 3 Nephi 16; 3 Nephi 20–21, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 40 - October 2012
Lesson 41: “He Did Expound All Things unto Them”
Reading: 3 Nephi 22–26, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 41 - October 2012
Lesson 42: “This Is My Gospel”
Reading: 3 Nephi 27–30; 4 Nephi, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 42 - October 2012
Lesson 43: “How Could Ye Have Departed from the Ways of the Lord?”
Reading: Mormon 1–6; Moroni 9, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 43 - October 2012
Lesson 44: “I Speak unto You As If Ye Were Present”
Reading: Mormon 7–9, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 44 - October 2012
Lesson 45: “Never Has Man Believed in Me As Thou Hast”
Reading: Ether 1–6, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 45 - November 2012
Lesson 46: “By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled”
Reading: Ether 7–15, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 46 - November 2012
Lesson 47: “To Keep Them in the Right Way”
Reading: Moroni 1–6, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 47 - November 2012
Lesson 48: “Come unto Christ”
Reading: Moroni 7–8; Moroni 10, Church publications: student, teacher
- Feast commentary on one page
- Jim F's notes on Times and Seasons
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 48 - December 2012
Old Testament lessons
Preliminaries to the Old Testament
- Genesis Background (Jim F., 2010)
- What is the Old Testament (Jim F., 2010)
- Understanding the Old Testament (Jim F., 2010)
- Studying the Old Testament (Jim F., 2010)
- Why Reading the OT is Sometimes so Difficult (Jim F., 2010)
Lesson 1: “This Is My Work and My Glory”
Reading: Moses 1
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 1 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 1 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 1 (12/2013)
Lesson 2: “Thou Wast Chosen Before Thou Wast Born”
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 2 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 2 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 2 (12/2013)
Lesson 3: The Creation
Reading: Moses 1:27–42; Moses 2 – Moses 3
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 3 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 3 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 3 (Jan 2013)
Lesson 4: “Because of My Transgression My Eyes Are Opened”
Reading: Moses 4; Moses 5:1–15; Moses 6:48–62
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 4 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 4 (2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 4 (Jan 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 4 (Jan 2014)
Lesson 5: “If Thou Doest Well, Thou Shalt Be Accepted”
- Jim F.'s lesson notes for Lesson 5 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 5 (2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 5 (Jan 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 5 (Jan 2014)
Lesson 6: “Noah … Prepared an Ark to the Saving of His House”
Reading: Moses 8:19–30; Gen 6:5–22; Gen 7:11–24; Gen 8:1–22; Gen 9:8–17; Gen 11:1–9
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 6 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 6 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 6 (February 2014)
Lesson 7: The Abrahamic Covenant
Reading: Abr 1:1–4; Abr 2:1–11; Gen 12:1–8; Gen 17:1–9
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 7 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 7 part 1 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 7 part 2 (2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 7 (Feb 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 7 (Feb 2014)
Lesson 8: Living Righteously in a Wicked World
Reading: Gen 13 – Gen 14; Gen 18 – Gen 19
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 8 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 8 (2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 8
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 8 (Feb 2014)
Lesson 9: “God Will Provide Himself a Lamb”
Reading: Abr 1; Gen 15 – Gen 17; Gen 21 – Gen 22
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 9 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 9 (2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 10 (Feb 2010)
- Gerald Smith's notes on Lesson 9 (March 2014)
Lesson 10: Birthright Blessings; Marriage in the Covenant
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 10 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 10 (2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 10 (Mar 2010)
- Gerald Smith notes on Lesson 10 (Mar 2014)
Lesson 11: “How Can I Do This Great Wickedness?”
Reading: Gen 34; Gen 37; Gen 38; Gen 39
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 11 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 11 (2010)
- Gerald Smith's notes on Lesson 11 (Mar 2014)
Lesson 12: “Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction”
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 12 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 12 (2010)
- Gerald Smith's notes on Lesson 12 (March 2014)
Lesson 13: Bondage, Passover, and Exodus
Reading: Ex 1 – Ex 3; Ex 5 – Ex 6; Ex 11 – Ex 14
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 13 (2010)
- "The Exodus Narrative as Another Creation Story (for Old Testament Lesson 13)" by David Larsen (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 13 (2010)
- Gerald Smith's notes on Lesson 13 (April 2014)
Lesson 14: “Ye Shall Be a Peculiar Treasure unto Me”
Reading: Ex 15 – Ex 20; Ex 32 – Ex 34
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 14 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 14 (2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 14 (Apr 2010)
Lesson 15: “Look to God and Live”
Reading: Num 11 – Num 14; Num 21:1–9
- Jim F.'s note for Lesson 15 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 15 (2010)
Lesson 16: “I Cannot Go Beyond the Word of the Lord”
Reading: Num 22 – Num 24; Num 31:1–16
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 16 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 16 (Apr 2010)
Lesson 17: “Beware Lest Thou Forget”
Reading: Deut 6; Deut 8; Deut 11; Deut 32
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 17 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 17 (Apr 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 17 (May 2010)
Lesson 18: “Be Strong and of a Good Courage”
Reading: Josh 1 – Josh 6; Josh 23 – Josh 24
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 18 (2010)
- Cheryl's notes for Lesson 18 at the Feast blog (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 18 (May 2010)
Lesson 19: The Reign of the Judges
Reading: Judges 2; Judges 4; Judges 6 – Judges 7; Judges 13 – Judges 16
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 19 (2010)
- Cherl's notes on Lesson 19 at the Feast blog (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 19 (Jun 2010)
Lesson 20: “All the City … Doth Know That Thou Art a Virtuous Woman”
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 20 (2010)
- Bruce Jorgensen's notes on Ruth (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 20 (Jun 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 21 (May 2010)
Lesson 21: God Will Honor Those Who Honor Him
Reading: 1 Sam 2 – 1 Sam 3; 1 Sam 8
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 20 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 21 (May 2010)
Lesson 22: “The Lord Looketh on the Heart”
Reading: 1 Sam 9 – 1 Sam 11; 1 Sam 13; 1 Sam 15 – 1 Sam 17
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 21 (2010)
- "Kingship in Israel" by Cheryl M.
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 22 (Jun 2010)
Lesson 23: “The Lord Be Between Thee and Me For Ever”
Reading: 1 Sam 18 – 1 Sam 20, 1 Sam 23 & ndash; 1 Sam 24
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 23 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 23 (Jun 2010)
Lesson 24: “Create in Me a Clean Heart”
Reading: 2 Sam 11 – 2 Sam 12; Ps 51
- Karl D.'s notes for Lesson 24 (2010)
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 24 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 24 (Jun 2010)
Lesson 25: “Let Every Thing That Hath Breath Praise the Lord”
Reading: Psalms
- Karl D.'s notes for Lesson 25 (2010)
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 25 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 25 (Jun 2010)
Lesson 26: King Solomon: Man of Wisdom, Man of Foolishness
Reading: 1 Kings 3 – 1 Kings 5; 1 Kings 11
- Jim F.'s notes for Lesson 26 (2010)
- Karl D.'s notes for Lesson 26 (2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes for Lesson 26 (Jun 2010)
Lesson 27: The Influence of Wicked and Righteous Leaders
Reading: 1 Kgs 12 – 1 Kgs 20; 2 Chr 17, 2 Chr 20
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 27 (July 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 27 (July 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 27 (July 2010)
Lesson 28: “After the Fire a Still Small Voice”
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 28 (Jul 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 28 (Jul 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 28 (Jul 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes Addendum on Lesson 28 (Jul 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 28
Lesson 29: “He Took Up … the Mantle of Elijah”
Reading: 2 Kgs 2, 2 Kgs 5 – 2 Kgs 6
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 29 (Jul 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 29 (Jul 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 29 (Jul 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 29 (Jul 2010)
Lesson 30: “Come to the House of the Lord”
Reading: 2 Chr 29 – 2 Chr 30; 2 Chr 32; 2 Chr 34
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 30 (Jul 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 30 (Aug 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 30 (Aug 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 30 (Aug 2010)
Lesson 31: “Happy Is the Man That Findeth Wisdom”
Reading: Proverbs; Ecclesiastes
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 31 (Aug 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 31 (Aug 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 31 (Aug 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 31 (Aug 2010)
Lesson 32: “I Know That My Redeemer Liveth”
Reading: Job 1 – Job 2; Job 13; Job 19; Job 27; Job 42
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 32 (Aug 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 32 (Aug 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 32 (Aug 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 32 (Aug 2010)
Lesson 33: Sharing the Gospel with the World
Reading: Jonah 1 – Jonah 4: Micah 2, Micah 4 – Micah 7
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 33 (Aug. 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 33 (Aug 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 33 (Aug 2010)
Lesson 34: “I Will Betroth Thee unto Me in Righteousness”
Reading: Hosea 1 – Hosea 3; Hosea 11; Hosea 13 – Hosea 14
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 34 (Sept 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 34 (Sept 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 34 (Sept 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 34 (Sept 2010)
- Ben Spackman's podcast and transcript of Lesson 34 (Sept 2010)
Lesson 35: God Reveals His Secrets to His Prophets
Reading: Amos 3; Amos 7 – Amos 9; Joel 2 – Joel 3
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 35 (Sept 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 35 (Sept 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 35 (Sept 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 35 (Sept 2010)
Lesson 36: The Glory of Zion Will Be a Defense
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 36 (Sept 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 36 (Sept 2010)
- David Larsen's notes on Lesson 36 (Sept 2010)
- David Larsen's addendum to Lesson 36 (Sept 2010)
- Joel's Monastery's notes on Lesson 36 (Sept 2010)
Lesson 37: “Thou Hast Done Wonderful Things”
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 37 (Sept 2010)
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 37 (Sept 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 37 (Sept 2010)
Lesson 38: “Beside Me There Is No Saviour”
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 38
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 38 (Sept 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 38 (Sept 2010)
Lesson 39: “How Beautiful upon the Mountains”
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 39 (Oct 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 39 (Oct 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 39 (Oct 2010)
Lesson 40: “Enlarge the Place of Thy Tent”
Reading: Isa 54 – Isa 56; Isa 63 – Isa 65
- Joels Monastery notes on Lesson 40 (Oct 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 40 (Oct 2010)
Lesson 41: “I Have Made Thee This Day … an Iron Pillar”
Reading: Jer 1 – Jer 2; Jer 20; Jer 26; Jer 36 – Jer 38
- Joels Monastery notes on Lesson 41 (Oct 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 41 (Oct 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 41 (Oct 2010)
Lesson 42: “I Will Write It in Their Hearts”
Reading: Jer 16; Jer 23; Jer 29; Jer 31
- Joels Monastery notes on Lesson 42 (Nov 2010)
- Nancy Jensen's notes on Lesson 42 (11/4/2010)
- Keepapitchinin blog on Lesson 42 (10/24/2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 42 (Nov 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 42 (Nov 2010)
Lesson 43: The Shepherds of Israel
Reading: Ezek 18; Ezek 34; Ezek 37
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 43 (Nov 2010)
- David Larsen's Heavenly Ascents notes on Lesson 43 (Nov 2010)
- Nancy Jensen's notes on Lesson 43 (Nov 2010)
- Ardis E. Parshall's notes on Lesson 43 (October 31 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 43 (Nov 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 43 (Nov 2010)
Lesson 44: “Every Thing Shall Live Whither the River Cometh”
Reading: Ezek 43 – Ezek 44; Ezek 47
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 44 (Nov 2010)
- Ardis E. Parshall's notes on Lesson 44 (Nov 7 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 44 (Nov 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 44 (Nov 2010)
Lesson 45: “If I Perish, I Perish”
Reading: Dan 1; Dan 3; Dan 6; Esth 3 – Esth 5; Esth 7 – Esth 8
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 45 (Nov 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 45
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 45
Lesson 46: “A Kingdom, Which Shall Never Be Destroyed”
Reading: Dan 2
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 46 (Dec 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Less 46 (Dec 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 46 (Dec 2010)
Lesson 47: “Let Us Rise Up and Build”
Reading: Ezra 1 – Ezra 8; Neh 1 – Neh 2; Neh 4; Neh 6; Neh 8
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 47 (Dec 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 47 (Dec 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 47 (Dec 2010)
Lesson 48: “The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord”
Reading: Zech 10 – Zech 14; Malachi
- Joel's Monastery notes on Lesson 48 (Dec 2010)
- Jim F.'s notes on Lesson 48 (Dec 2010)
- Karl D.'s notes on Lesson 48 (Dec 2010)
Related links
Active sites
- An exhaustive list of on-line LDS Sunday school lessons
- T&S lessons: Sunday school lessons at the Times and Seasons blog by Jim F.
- Wendy Austin's SS lessons