Site talk:SS lessons/DC lesson 9

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This page allows you to see in one place the talk pages associated with the commentary pages for the reading assignment for this Doctrine & Covenants Gospel Doctrine lesson. Click on the heading to go to a specific page. Click the edit links below to edit text on any page.

Talk:Dan 2:41-45

Talk:Dan 2:41-45

Talk:Rev 14:6-10

Talk:Rev 14:6-10

Talk:D&C 20:1-5

The thought questions I posted today are from James Faulconer. Posted with permission. --Matthewfaulconer 06:40, 14 Mar 2005 (CET)

I realize that part of the process of leaving questions is that we hope an answer will be provided in the exegesis at some point. But if we then erase the question, are we assuming that there is only one answer to the question? I left some exegesis that I think answers the questions on this page. But it feels arrogant to erase the questions. I will leave them there and let someone else in the community decide if they have been answered well enough to erase the questions. --Karen 17:44, 13 February 2011 (CET)

Talk:D&C 20:6-10

Talk:D&C 20:11-15

Talk:D&C 20:11-15

Talk:D&C 20:16-20

Talk:D&C 20:16-20

Talk:D&C 20:21-25

Talk:D&C 20:21-25

Talk:D&C 20:26-30

Talk:D&C 20:26-30

Talk:D&C 20:31-35

Talk:D&C 20:31-35

Talk:D&C 20:36-40

Talk:D&C 20:36-40

Talk:D&C 20:41-45

Talk:D&C 20:41-45

Talk:D&C 20:46-50

Pray in secret and vocally[edit]

I hadn't really noticed this verse before. I'd be interested in analyzing this verse in relation to the "tension" (your favorite expression, Joe!) in the Sermon on the Mount (and 3 Ne) between the praying in secret and not doing alms before men vs. letting your light so shine.... --RobertC 19:56, 20 Sep 2006 (UTC)

Talk:D&C 20:51-55

Talk:D&C 20:51-55

Talk:D&C 20:56-60

Talk:D&C 20:56-60

Talk:D&C 20:61-65

Talk:D&C 20:61-65

Talk:D&C 20:66-70

Talk:D&C 20:66-70

Talk:D&C 20:71-75

Talk:D&C 20:71-75

Talk:D&C 20:76-80

Talk:D&C 20:76-80

Talk:D&C 20:81-84

Talk:D&C 20:81-84

Talk:D&C 21:1-5

Talk:D&C 21:1-5

Talk:D&C 21:6-12

Talk:D&C 21:6-12

Talk:D&C 27:1-5

Talk:D&C 27:6-10

Talk:D&C 27:6-10

Talk:D&C 27:11-15

Talk:D&C 27:11-15

Talk:D&C 27:16-18

Talk:D&C 27:16-18

Talk:D&C 65:1-6

Talk:D&C 65:1-6

Talk:D&C 115:1-5

Talk:D&C 115:1-5

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