Site talk:SS lessons/DC lesson 26

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This page allows you to see in one place the talk pages associated with the commentary pages for the reading assignment for this Doctrine & Covenants Gospel Doctrine lesson. Click on the heading to go to a specific page. Click the edit links below to edit text on any page.

Talk:Eph 2:16-22

Talk:Eph 2:16-22

Talk:Hel 6:1-5

Talk:Hel 6:1-5

Talk:Moro 6:1-5

Rob, I revised your first question a bit. I felt like the revision broke out a couple of different concepts I found present in your question. If you feel like I missed something or don't like how I changed it--of course, feel free to edit again. --Matthew Faulconer 16:40, 12 May 2005 (CEST)

Looks good, thanks! Rob Fergus 00:19, 13 May 2005 (CEST)

User:Jaromhanson asks about verse 7:

The "3 witnesses". Who were they and is it a calling similar to that of a bishopric?

Hi Jarom, not sure. Given the phrase "3 witnesses of the church" it would seem that it would probably be any trustworthy members of the church that witnessed against them before the elders of the church. Anyway, that is my guess given the context. --Matthew Faulconer 04:30, 11 Dec 2005 (UTC)

Talk:D&C 18:11-15

Talk:D&C 18:11-15

Talk:D&C 18:16-20

Talk:D&C 18:16-20

Talk:D&C 42:6-10

Talk:D&C 42:6-10

Talk:D&C 60:1-5

Talk:D&C 60:1-5

Talk:D&C 88:81-85

Talk:D&C 88:81-85

Talk:D&C 112:1-5

Talk:D&C 112:1-5

Talk:D&C 112:6-10

Talk:D&C 112:6-10

Talk:D&C 112:11-15

Talk:D&C 112:11-15

Talk:D&C 112:16-20

Talk:D&C 112:16-20

Talk:D&C 112:21-25

Talk:D&C 112:21-25

Talk:D&C 112:26-30

Talk:D&C 112:26-30

Talk:D&C 112:31-34

Talk:D&C 112:31-34

Talk:D&C 123:11-17

Talk:D&C 123:11-17

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