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This page allows you to see in one place the talk pages associated with the commentary pages for the reading assignment for this Doctrine & Covenants Gospel Doctrine lesson. Click on the heading to go to a specific page. Click the edit links below to edit text on any page.
Talk:D&C 6:16-20
Talk:D&C 6:21-25
Talk:D&C 6:31-37
Talk:D&C 18:6-10
Talk:D&C 18:11-15
Talk:D&C 19:1-5
Talk:D&C 19:16-20
Talk:D&C 19:21-25
These things[edit]
re: the question about what "these things" in verse 21 refers to.
Here are some possibilities that I thought of:
- this revelation specifically (what is now known as D&C 19)
- modern revelations more generally (essentially the D&C today)
- the teachings just discussed about how endless torment and everlasting damnation refers to the type of torment and suffering Christ suffered (D&C 19:1-20)
I lean toward 3. I'm interested in hearing what others think. --Matthew Faulconer 14:21, 8 May 2006 (UTC)
- I also lean toward the third reading, however, later in the chapter (vs. 31) there is a similar instruction not to talk about the tenets but to declare repentance and faith. The instruction not to talk about the tenets seems to give a more expansive area of things not to be taught in keeping with the second possibility. Regardless, I suppose that since these things "shown" to the world the time is passed when it was wisdom in God to make these things known. What interested me in these commands (I think similar commands are found elsewhere in the Doctrine and Covenants, but I'll have to look) is how they compare to what is found other verses in this section. Verse 29--declare glad tidings, the second half of verse 31--to declare the first principles and ordinances, and in verse 37--speak freely to all and declare the truth. MJ 12:18, 9 May 2006 (UTC)
Talk:D&C 29:1-5
Talk:D&C 34:1-5
Talk:D&C 38:1-5
Talk:D&C 45:1-5
Talk:D&C 50:41-46
Talk:D&C 58:41-45
Talk:D&C 76:61-65
Talk:D&C 76:66-70
Talk:D&C 88:11-15
Talk:D&C 88:16-20
Talk:D&C 93:1-5
Light and Seeing[edit]
I think that we will need to do a lot more exploring into historic and cultural understandings of light and seeing that were present in the ancient cultures related to our scriptures, as well as the early modern understandings that may have influenced Joseph Smith. I've always been fascinated by this topic from a scientific perspective, but look forward to taking several steps back to think this through--Rob Fergus 16:59, 22 March 2007 (CET)
Talk:D&C 93:6-10
Talk:D&C 93:11-15
Talk:D&C 93:16-20
Talk:D&C 93:31-35
Talk:D&C 133:41-45
Talk:D&C 133:46-50
Talk:D&C 133:51-55
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