Site talk:SS lessons/DC lesson 19
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These verses are an explanation of what the gospel is (see exegesis). After reading these verses a few times, I think what it all comes down to are the words 'glad tidings.' The atonement is central to the entire plan of salvation because the atonement was the most exciting thing that ever happened for us - and it brings us happiness. We know that 'men are that they might have joy.' The purpose of life is to be happy, and to learn to live to be happy. As we seek for happiness, we stumble, we fall, we sin, we forget why we are here on earth. But the 'glad tidings' of the gospel - that God himself actually came down from heaven to not only visit the earth, but also live a 33-year life on the earth as a man. He not only taught us, showed us the example of how to live, but he allowed himself to 'bear the sins of the world' and 'be crucified for the world.' Because of this, our unhappiness that results from sin can be turned to happiness. We should be overjoyed that someone loves us enough that he proposed a way and carried out that plan that essentially can wipe away what happened in our past, and allow us to be completely guilt-free and happy - forever. These are the glad tidings, the good news of the gospel. He came to the earth. He already did all this. We only need to remember it, to repent and take advantage of what he already offered us, gave us, and taught us. It's so simple compared to the wonderful happiness we will experience by being saved in the Kingdom of God. Not to mention the peace that we will have in this life - as we prepare for that eternal kingdom. -- |
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