Judg 1:1-2:23
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The relationship of Judges 1-2 to the rest of the book is discussed at Judges. This portion of the book can be outlined broadly as follows:
- A. Faithful second generation's conquests (1:1-36)
- • Joshua dies, portions of Canaan conquered by second generation (1:1-26)
- • portions of Canaan not conquered by second generation (1:27-36)
- B. Faithless third generation will be thwarted (2:1-23)
- a. angel rebukes disobedience, announces lesser covenant (2:1-5)
- b. Joshua and second generation were faithful (2:6-10)
- b. third generation is unfaithful (2:11-19)
- a. Lord rebukes disobedience, announces lesser covenant (2:20-23)
- a. angel rebukes disobedience, announces lesser covenant (2:1-5)
This section is for detailed discussion such as the meaning of a symbol, how a doctrinal point is developed throughout a passage, or insights that can be further developed in the future. Contributions may range from polished paragraphs down to a single bullet point. The focus, however, should always be on understanding the scriptural text consistent with LDS doctrine. Click the "edit" link to edit or add content to this section. →
- Judg 2:3: I also said. God had already warned Israel that the Canaanites, if not destroyed, would prove troublesome to the Israelites: see Num 33:55 and Josh 23:13; see also Ex 23:33; 34:12; Deut 7:16.
- Judg 2:10: Failing to teach children. Israel was continually warned to teach their children the ways of God (cf. Deut 6:5-7). This is a key verse in understanding God's anger toward the Israelites.
- Judg 2:12: Forsook. The Hebrew word `azab means "to leave, loose, or forsake. Compare this to the "passing over" connotation of `abru (transgress) in verse 20.
- Judg 2:12: They forsook the Lord. God promises that he will only forsake Israel after they forsake him. For example, Israel's forsaking of God was foretold to Moses in Deut 31:16 (cf. Deut 28:20), followed by a warning that God will then forsake Israel (Deut 31:17; cf. Deut 29:25). See also God's promise not to forsake Israel (if Israel remembers God) in Deut 31:6, 8.
- Judg 2:13-14: Anger of the Lord was hot. This expression is also used in 2:20, 3:8, 6:39, 10:7. Fire is often associated with God's wrath. In Deut 4:24, "consuming fire," is rhetorically linked to God's jealousy (cf. Deut 5:9). Here God's hot anger (v. 14) is a result of Israel's serving other Gods (v. 13), building on the conjugal/jealousy metaphor of God as the bridegroom. See also use of the term whoring in verse 17.
- Judg 2:17: Whoring. See commentary and cross references for verses 13-14 regarding the the conjugal metaphor and God's hot anger.
- Judg 2:17: Anger of the Lord was hot. See commentary and cross references for verses 13-14 where this same expression is used.
- Judg 2:20: Transgressed. The Hebrew word `abar means "to pass over or by or through, alienate, bring, carry, do away, take, take away, or transgress." This word is used prolifically in Deutoronomy (44 times), Joshua (49 times), and Judges (20 times). One view might be that crossing the River Jordan (like baptism today) symbolized the making of a new covenant between Israel and God, and so when Israel breaks the covenant, they are effectively undoing this crossing over aspect in making the covenant. This meaning is also related to the leaving/departing connotation of azab (forsook) in verse 12.
- Judg 2:22: Through them I may prove Israel. God said something similar to Nephi regarding the Lamanites being a scourge to the Nephites if they failed to be righteous.
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Prompts for life application[edit]
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Prompts for further study[edit]
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- Judg 1:12: Achsah. See this subpage for a perspective on women in the book of Judges.
- Judg 2:13-14. See Mark Horne's article The Fire of Love.
- Judg 2:16: Judges. See BD entry for the role of judges, which was more a military than civil office.
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