Job 2:11-32:1

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Home > The Old Testament > Job > Chapters 2b-31 / Verses 2:11-32:1
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Relationship to Job. The relationship of Chapters 2b-31 to Job as a whole is discussed at Job.




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  • Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar visit Job (2:11-13)
  • Job laments (Chapter 3)
  • Job curses the day of his birth (3:1-10)
  • Job laments that he did not die in infancy (3:11-19)
  • Job longs for death (3:20-26)
  • E: Job has sinned and God is chastising him (4:1-5:27)
  • J: my complaint is just, I lack comfort (6:1-7:21)
  • B: Job should repent (8:1-22)
  • J: though seemingly hopeless, I will plead with God (9:1-10:22)
  • J: defends himself and prays to God (12:1-14:22)
  • E: accuses Job of folly (15:1-35)
  • J: reproaches pitiless friends, prays for relief (16:1-17:16)
  • B: the wicked are punished (18:1-21)
  • J: despite friends, looks to his redeemer (19:1-29)
  • Z: on the fate of the wicked (20:1-29)
  • J: the wicked go unpunished (21:1-34)
  • E: Job, this is why you suffer (22:1-30)
  • J: innocent, but frustrated at God’s apathy (23:1-24:25)
  • B: how can we be righteous? (25:1-6)
  • J: responds (Chapters 26-31)
  • divine sovereignty, innocence, fate of wicked (26:1-14)
  • God is wise, man is not, so wisdom lies in the fear of God (27:1-28:28)
  • wisdom cannot be mined (28:1-11)
  • wisdom cannot be purchased (28:12-19)
  • wisdom cannot be found (28:20-22)
  • wisdom is in the Lord (28:23-28)
  • again laments his condition (Chapters 29-31)
  • God’s past blessings (29:1-10)
  • present adversity(30:1-31)
  • self-curse (31:1-40)
  • Job's friends stop talking with him (32:1)


  • Job 19:27. The Hebrew word that is translated in the KJV as "reins" in verse 27 is not the word used to refer to the reins for an animal. The word (kilyah) is the word for the kidneys. (The KJV translators weren't wrong here; the 1828 Webster's dictionary gives "kidneys" or "the lower part of the back" as the meaning of "reins." In modern English, this meaning survives primarily in the adjective "renal.") The kidneys were viewed at the time of this writing as the seat of emotions or passions, much like we view the heart. Modern translations of this phrase include "how my heart yearns within me!" (NKJV and NIV) and "my heart faints within me" (NASB and NRSV).
  • Job 31:35. Job desires here to see a book in the hand of his "adversary," namely, God. The verse would seem to be connected with, though in a somewhat peculiar way, 19:23-25: there Job wishes that his own pining words were written up somehow. The two texts, taken together, suggest that the trial for which Job constantly hopes would be one of matching up books, the book in God's hand with the books written by the witnesses to Job's sufferings. The work of matching the two up, Job presumably believes, would prove his essential innocence.

Points to ponder[edit]

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I have a question[edit]

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  • Job 19:27. When Job says "and not another," is he just emphasizing the fact that he will see God himself, firsthand?
  • Job 31:33. How did Adam cover his transgressions by hiding iniquity in his bosom?
  • Job 31:35. What is the book that Job wishes was written by his adversary?
  • Job 31:35. Who is Job's adversary, mentioned here? The Almighty? Satan?


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