2 Chr 10:1-36:23

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Historical setting[edit]

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Chronicles 10-36 covers the three centuries of the Southern Kingdom of Judah's existence from Rehoboam's loss of the northern Ten Tribes in 931 BC to the third Babylonian invasion and destruction of Solomon's Temple in 587 BC. Because these chapters cover so much history, dates are placed next to each item in the outline below rather than as a separate list of dates.

● Kings of Judah (2 Chronicles 10-36 / also 1 Kings 12 - 2 Kings 25)

The "S" before each king identifies him as a ruler over the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Each of the twenty kings is numbered in sequential order. The same identifiers are used on the pages for Kings and Old Testament: Historical Overview. Also see this note[1] note for fine print about dates.
● S-01. Rehoboam (932-914 BC) (2 Chr 10:1-12:16 / 1 Kgs 12:1-24; 14:21-31)
• people request he lighten taxes but he promises an increase, ten tribes secede, prophet says not to invade Northern Kingdom (10:1-11:4)
• administration of the kingdom, many wives and children (11:5-23)
• forsakes righteousness, Shishak (Egypt) carries away treasures of king and temple (5th year) (12:1-16)
● S-02. Abijah (914-912 BC) (2 Chr 13:1-22 / 1 Kgs 15:1-8)
• righteous, relies upon the Lord and defeats a larger army of idolatrous Jeroboam (Northern Kingdom) (3rd year?)
● S-03. Asa (912-871 BC) (2 Chr 14:1-16:14 / 1 Kgs 15:9-24)
• righteous, relies upon the Lord and defeats a larger army of Ethiopians (11th year?) (14:1-15)
• leads the people in a covenant to seek the Lord with all their heart (15th year) (15:1-19)
• hires Syria to attack Israel, cursed by prophet with warfare because he did not rely on the Lord (36th year), dies (41st year) (16:1-14)
● S-04. Jehosaphat (871-848 BC) (2 Chr 17:1-20:37 / 1 Kgs 22:1-50)
• righteous, sends teachers of the law throughout the land (3rd year), strength and peace (17:1-19)
• joins wicked Ahab (Northern Kingdom) to war against Syria, prophet foretells Ahab's death in battle, Jehosaphat calls upon the Lord and is protected without fighting, prophet rebukes Jehosaphat for friendship with Ahab (18:1-19:3)
• sets up honest judges throughout the land (19:4-11)
• relies upon the Lord, invasion of Moab and Ammon is turned upon itself without fighting Judah (20:1-34)
• joins wicked Ahaziah (Northern Kingdom) in shipping venture, prophet curses the venture and it fails (20:35-37)
● S-05. Jehoram (or Joram) (848-841 BC) (2 Chr 21:1-20 / 2 Kgs 8:16-24)
• kills all brothers, promotes Baal worship of wife Athaliah (Ahab's daughter), plagued with wars and revolts, cursed to die by Elijah
● S-06. Ahaziah (841 BC) (2 Chr 22:1-9 / 2 Kgs 8:25-9:29)
● S-07. Athaliah (wife of Ahaziah) (841-835 BC) (2 Chr 22:10-23:21 / 2 Kgs 11:1-16)
● S-08. Joash (grandson of Ahaziah) (835-796 BC) (2 Chr 24:1-27 / 2 Kgs 11:17-12:21)
● S-09. Amaziah (796-767 BC) (2 Chr 25:1-28 / 2 Kgs 14:1-22)
● S-10. Uzziah (or Azariah) (767-740 BC) (2 Chr 26:1-23 / 2 Kgs 15:1-7)
● S-11. Jotham (740-732 BC) (2 Chr 27:1-9 / 2 Kgs 15:32-38)
● S-12. Ahaz (732-716 BC) (2 Chr 28:1-27 / 2 Kgs 16:1-20)
● S-13. Hezekiah (716-687 BC) (2 Chr 29:1-32:33 / 2 Kgs 18:1-20:21)
● S-14. Manasseh (687-643 BC) (2 Chr 33:1-20 / 2 Kgs 21:1-18)
● S-15. Amon (643-641 BC) (2 Chr 33:21-25 / 2 Kgs 21:19-26)
● S-16. Josiah (641-609 BC) (2 Chr 34:1-35:27 / 2 Kgs 22:1-23:30)
● S-17. Jehoahaz (609 BC) (2 Chr 36:1-4 / 2 Kgs 23:31-35)
● S-18. Jehoiakim (or Eliakim, son of Josiah) (609-598 BC) (2 Chr 36:5-8 / 2 Kgs 23:36-24:7)
● S-19. Jehoiachin (598-597 BC) (2 Chr 36:9-10 / 2 Kgs 24:8-17)
● S-20. Zedekiah (597-587 BC) (2 Chr 36:11-21 / 24:18-25:21)
● Babylonian Captivity and return to Jerusalem under king Cyrus of Persia (2 Chr 36:21-23)


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  • 2 Chr 12:2, 9-10: Loss of temple treasure. Solomon built and furnished the temple. Solomon was also married to the daughter of Pharoah. Now, a mere five years after Solomon's death, King Shishak of Egypt invades and carries off the temple treasure. That did not last very long.

Unanswered questions[edit]

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Prompts for life application[edit]

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Prompts for further study[edit]

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  • Steinmann. Andrew E. From Abraham to Paul: A Biblical Chronology. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2011. (ISBN 0758627998). BS637.3 .S74 2011. Builds on the earlier work of Finegan and Thiele and may become a third standard reference; likewise addresses the difficult issues but also presents a comprehensive timeline including the easy issues.


Footnotes are not required but are encouraged for factual assertions that average readers cannot easily evaluate for themselves (such as the date of King Solomon’s death or the nuanced definition of a Greek word). In contrast, insights rarely benefit from footnoting, and the focus of this page should always remain on the scriptures themselves rather than what someone has said about them. Links are actively encouraged on all sections of this page, and links to authoritative sources (such as Strong's Bible Concordance or the Joseph Smith Papers) are preferable to footnotes.

  1. All dates on this age are taken from Steinmann, From Abraham to Paul, 141, following Young, Tables of Reign Lengths from the Hebrew Court Recorders, 246.

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